Great rates for both business and consumer for: Buy now pay later; Treat now pay later. We offer a program that will finance 100% of your customers regardless of their credit score even if they don't own a credit card. We approve a lot of industries that others do not, including but not limited to. Coaching/consulting, credit building, MLM, digital marketing, vocational trade, schools, timeshare, tax/debt relief, vacation clubs, credit repair education, Sales/call centers, retail goods, dental services, vet services, orthopedic services, weight loss, cosmetic surgery, chiropractic, hair restoration, laser hair removal, Med spa, liposuction, Lasik, hormone replacement, men’s health, fertility clinics, Eye care/vision medical training, scooters/lifts, body sculpting, dermatology, general physicians, orthodontist, stem cell regenerative medicine, furniture, home repair, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, retail, wholesale, medical industries most verticals, plus much more.
Contact us to talk with our specialists and demo.
We at CVG look forward to answering all questions in detail and providing you beyond expectations of solutions. Someone will respond back to you shortly.